Stambaugh, Rothman Announce Grants for Perry County
January 28, 2025
HARRISBURG – Grants awarded today by the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) will support a pair of projects in Perry County, according to Rep. Perry Stambaugh (R-Perry/Juniata) and Sen. Greg Rothman (R-Cumberland/Dauphin/Perry).
Marysville Borough and Newport Elementary School were among recipients of grants originating from Marcellus Shale natural gas impact fees. The CFA awarded:
• $87,000 for Marysville Borough Stormwater Authority to reduce sediment runoff by repairing a riparian buffer, installing dams at an existing swale, and upgrading a detention basin.
• $62,500 for the Newport Elementary School PTO to undertake renovations that will make the school’s playground more handicapped accessible.
“These projects will address the health of our waterways and ensure all Newport Elementary School students can enjoy recreation facilities at their school,” Stambaugh said. “I applaud the CFA for recognizing how worthwhile these initiatives are.”
“Perry County is home to natural resources that contribute greatly to our quality of life,” Rothman said. “I am pleased these projects will protect and improve those resources for future generations and encourage wellness through outdoor recreation.”
The Marcellus Legacy Fund was created by Act 13 of 2012 to support local and state government entities.
Representative Perry Stambaugh
86th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Jennifer Fitch
717-260-6563 /
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